Monday, October 31, 2011


This post is written as a response to Jerrod's latest blog entry, regarding the increasingly book-less world we live in. As a literature major, I take it for granted that most people read on a regular basis, but this is by no mean the case.

After a quick google search I found a truly startling statistic form the Washington Post. According to a survey they had conducted, one in four American adults admitted to not having read a single book over the course of the past year. At first I found this statistic to be unbelievable, so I decided to conduct my own survey on the matter. There are four people in my house, myself being the only humanities student, one business student, and two engineering students. Two of them said that they read for pleasure during Christmas and summer breaks, but the third said that he does not read at all. I was flabbergasted, the very statistic I found on the internet was accurately represented in my own house! What are the chances of one in four roommates not being a reader? Simple, one in three...

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